(972) 690-9801 cts@bahop.org


PRAYER: Does It REALLY Matter?
“Faith in a ‘prayer-answering’ God will make a ‘prayer-loving’ Christian.” (Andrew Murray)


1. As a Christian disciple (follower) of JESUS CHRIST, how can I choose NOT to pray, when Jesus is not only my LORD                  and MASTER, but also, my:



1) OFTEN  (Luke 5:16)… 2) MORNING  (Mark 1:35)… 3) EVENING  (Matthew 14:23)… 4) ALL  NIGHT  (Luke 6:12)


1) PROVISION  (Matthew 14:19)… 2) HEALING  (Mark 1:40)… 3) PROTECTION  (Mark 4:39) 4) GUIDANCE (John 8:12)…5)  MIRACLES  (John 11:40-45)…6) PRAISE (Luke 19:37)  7) UNITY  (John 17:20-23)…8) THANKSGIVING (Luke 17:15-16)


1) If we are willing to sincerely ASK,  SEEK,  KNOCK! (Matthew 7:7-8)

2) If we are willing to faithfully ask IN HIS NAME!  (John 14:13-14)3) If we are willing to acknowledge that He is the ultimate giver             of GOOD  GIFTS! (Matthew 7:11)


1) The only thing Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them was how to: PRAY! (Luke 11:1)

2) Jesus’ “How To” teaching covered the basics of: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, & WHY!                                                                                                                                                                                  (Matthew 6:5-13)

2. It was through a CORPORATE “prayer meeting” that the CHURCH was birthed! (Acts 1:14 / 2:1)

3. The early church disciples were DEVOTED to prayer!  (*Acts 1:14 / 2:42 / 4:23-31/ *Colossians 4:2 /                                *Romans 12:12)

4. In the first century church, PRAYING was one of the two PRIMARY responsibilities in the “job description”              of the PASTOR!  (Acts 6:4)

5. Through the Holy Spirit inspired writings of forty different people, the sixty-six books that comprise the Bible records hundreds of communications between God and man…which is what ­­­PRAYING is all about! Even foremost, Jesus declared that “My House shall be called a ‘HOUSE OF PRAYER‘”…referencing both corporately and individually. (Matthew 21:13 / 1 Corinthians 3:16)